Ripped from the page (SPFBOX special with Melissa Widmaier)

Interviews with the characters from SPFBO 10, with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case Some epic Fantasy from Melissa Widmaier

Name (and title if appropriate):

Wind, Daughter of the Sun and Moon, Teaser of Wildflowers and Destroyer of Settlements: My true name is none of your business. Only a blessed few know it and they are quite annoying about it.

Written by:

Links to your creator:

Books you appear in (links welcome)

The Wind at Oak Hollow (2023), A Crow in the Canyon (November 2024), and several more to come!!!! I am, after all, immortal. You can’t be rid of me.

In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

To fix a 1,000-year mistake

Favourite place and why?

A burned out oak tree the children of the Village of Na-ir call Oak Hollow: I meet a headstrong human boy there often. He is my deliverance and my absolute tormentor.

Favourite weapon and why?

Lightning: it is quick, painful, and blinding, just what my enemies deserve. Unfortunately, like me, it is difficult to control.

Favourite moment and why?

That’s PERSONAL!! But, if you must know, it was the day I met a boy named Erutan. That was 1,000 years ago, though, and it hurts to talk about it. Thank you very much.

Most significant enemy and why?

MESSA GANWIN, that disobedient Priestess of Light!! She vexes me to no end, using her magic to guard her family, shunning me from my purpose. The woman won’t let me have her son. But I NEED him more than her. She has another one!

Tell me about your childhood:

I didn’t have a childhood. I was breathed into being by Mother Sun and Father Moon eons ago. My sisters Water and Earth will tell you that I am like a human child, however. I think they are just jealous.

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

My life would be less vexing. I would travel the air currents and do my best to IGNORE THE TROUBLESOME HUMANS, but… I would be quite lonely… I think.

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

You disgust me, putting me through centuries of this mess. *stares menacingly*

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

I WILL complete my mission, re-balance the world, and put myself back in Father and Mother’s good favor. NO ONE, not the boy or his mother, will stop me!