Ripped from the page (SPFBOX special with JE Hannaford)

Interviews with the characters from SPFBO 10, with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case Some Coming of age Fantasy from J E Hannaford

You are greeted by a young man with dark curly hair, and his exceptionally large moonhound. The hound appears quite young, his paws a bit too large for his body and his limbs muscled but over-long. The white tip of his tail flips from side to side as he wags.

‘Hi. I’m Darin.’ The man offers his hand in greeting. ‘I understand you want to interview my companion? I suggest you do it while asleep. It will be easier for you to communicate with him that way.’ He chuckles, and scratches the hound behind the ear. ‘There’s less chance of you falling over as you talk – it can be a little disorientating to communicate with a moonhound while awake.’

Name (and title if appropriate):

As you close your eyes you feel a wet nose make contact with your hand, and your cloudy vision clears. You stand in a dark tunnel lit by glowing lamps. Red veins of a crystal like stone run through the rock. The hound nudges them with his nose then turns back to you.

Darin stands nearby, You asked his name? Staramine, like that rock. I call him Star though. Title? I suppose he is a Howler.’

Written by:

Links to your creator:

Books you appear in (links welcome)

Star now transports you to a strange jungle-like environment. He wags as he leads you through along a narrow animal track between thick vegetation. As you reach a clearing he nudges at your hand for attention, distracting you from the calls of strange beasts in the trees. A shadow passes overhead and Star growls up at it. Then, he runs toward a huge pair of shining metal gates that appear to go nowhere,

‘That’s the Aulirean Gates.’ Darin follows Star and reaches out to touch them. He looks up at the moons as he strokes Star. ‘It would have been amazing to travel through them.’

In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

Darin leans close and whispers, ‘He can’t understand the concept of a word… Hold tight.’ You see 5 images in quick succession.



Star asleep

Star playing with a pack of moonhounds

Darin happy.

Favourite place and why?

You are transported now to a large cave-like space. Deep rugs cover the floor and a group of old men are playing board games. Around the edge of the chamber you see a number of rooms with inviting beds and more soft rugs. Star stretches out, rolls on his back to expose his tummy and sighs with sheer canine happiness.

Favourite weapon and why?

Star lifts his gums and bares his teeth while wagging furiously.

Favourite moment and why?

Instead of Star, you are now looking up at an image of Darin from a lower vantage. He stands in a huge courtyard, surrounded by people and other moonhounds. This Darin appears a little confused and stares down at Staramine, who appears younger and less muscled.

Alongside you, Darin smiles broadly as he stares at himself. ‘He’s chosen the first time we met. You know, that would be one of my favourite moments too.’

Most significant enemy and why?

Again, your view jumps to a new place. You stand atop a cliff staring out over a lush forest. In the distance the sun plays on waves. A huge, red flying creature changes direction to fly directly toward you. It looks a little like a pterodactyl. Star starts to bark, his hackles rise as he growls, a low rumbling building to a bark loud enough to almost shake you awake.

‘A xotryl… interesting choice, Star.’  Darin reaches for his arm, where you see him itch a long scar.

Tell me about your childhood:

Now you are in a stable full of spotted puppies, they tumble over each other, all wagging tails, and play barking. A soft large female, is nearby she smells of milk. You run in grassy paddocks with all your family around you. A kind old man reaches to pat you on the head.

Your first bone.

Happiness, joy, play, more play.

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

Star takes you to the room you are sleeping in, and you see him sat exactly as you first met the pair, right next to Darin.

‘I’d choose you too.’

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

Star shares an image of himself eating bones, meat, more food, steak, roast farbrox.

‘Thank you, If you can really pass a message on, can you let her know we could really use some more Howlers please… We’re a little low on numbers.’

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

You feel a very strong sensation of hunger. Star withdraws from your dream and nudges you awake, then places a paw on your leg and looks at you expectantly.

Darin laughs. ‘Come on then Star. If we get home soon, Fall might have some fresh pies for you to steal. Thank you for talking to us, I hope you could understand him.’