Ripped from the page (SPFBOX special with Ben Schenkman)

Interviews with the characters from SPFBO 10, with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case Some dark, Occult hilarity from Ben Schenkman

Name (and title if appropriate):

Nick (at the very beginning of the book)

Written by:

Links to your creator:

Books you appear in (links welcome)

My Boss is the Devil

Dueling Shoulder Angels (link TBD, release date June 28th, 2024)

The Devil’s in the Details (TBD, release expected October, 2024)

In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

To make a difference

Favourite place and why?

My favorite place is New Haven, Connecticut. Why? It’s the state’s answer to New York City, but the pizza is even better.

I’m a bit of a foodie, and no matter what you want (and in some cases whenever you want it) you can head downtown and grab the bite of your choice. Lebanese, India, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, you name it and the city has your back.

Favourite weapon and why?

My moderately sharp wit! But seriously, what do I need a weapon for? It isn’t too dangerous where I live. Maybe you’re thinking about that summoning I’m supposed to be attending in the graveyard? My friends are really serious about it, but I’m more afraid of my fellow man than things that go bump in the night. I’ll probably be fine with a good pair of sneakers and running faster than Derek, who’s probably the slowest of us.


Favourite moment and why?

Anything coffee. The first sip of coffee on a dreary morning. The smell of the freshly ground beans wafting through the room. I wanted to be a bartender, but fell into a barista job instead. It turned out I loved coffee, and that’s where I’ve been ever since. I’m really hoping to get a better job, but it’s hard to figure out what to do next.

Most significant enemy and why?

Myself. You really need to ask why? I’m my own worst enemy, it’s why I’m working a dead end job.

Tell me about your childhood:

I’d love to tell you that my childhood was complicated and traumatic, and that’s why I’m in the rut that I am now, but it’s not true. My parents are nice, they’re both still alive, and I mostly see them on holidays.

My childhood was pretty average. I wasn’t bullied any more than the other kids, but I was never one of the popular ones. I grew up with the misfits in school, and it’s a trend that’s pretty much continued.

I’d love to have someone else to blame other than myself, but here I am.

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

I wouldn’t be slinging coffee, if that’s what you’re asking. If I had made better choices I’d have finished college, or at least more than one semester. Maybe I’d have a better job, live in a nicer apartment, that kind of thing. The peeling paint in my current place doesn’t exactly scream “successful adult” but at least I can afford the rent.

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

Yeah, I sure hope he has my best interests at heart. It’s hard enough being poor and trying to make a living, I don’t need some creative type putting me in a bunch of awkward and dangerous situations. You hear me out there, Mr. Schenkman? Give a guy a break.

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

Be kind to your baristas, make your coffee order simple. Please. I beg you.