Ripped from the page (N. M. Rudolph)

Interviews with the characters we all love with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case N.M. Rudolph

Name (and title if appropriate):

Written by:

N.M. Rudolph
Links to your creator:
Books you appear in (links welcome):
In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

Bring everyone into complete order.

Favourite place and why?

I am particularly fond of my throne room. It holds treasures from my many conquests. They’re encouraging reminders to me of how much I’ve overcome with so little time and so few resources. My throne itself is set on a large dais. This helps me separate myself from the world, which is so filled with petty concerns. Mostly, I enjoy the quiet. In addition to the thick walls, it’s far away from all the noise and distractions that go on throughout the rest of my kingdom. I just want peace.

Favourite weapon and why?

I am learning to speak like the old ones. Seeing what wonders I’ve been able to wield with my weak efforts, I imagine they worked wonders merely by speaking. Even if I set aside the mysteries formed by those ancient, words still have great power. We go to war over them. We make peace with them. We manipulate and distract with them. I don’t know if there’s anything more powerful in the world.

Favourite moment and why?

It was when Rrraktotrrraka, one of my seconds, discovered The Ancient Words and Their Ancient Ways. In truth, it was when he impressed upon me the importance of its contents, for, at first, I thought he was merely wasting time.

I was never one to linger too much on reading and writing. That’s usually for poets and other juvenile pursuits. He described to me the possible power hidden within, and I grew hungry. Since then, I have come to realize that this ancient language—and xormite, the mineral that amplifies its effects—are of utmost importance.

Rrraktotrrraka has not been able to replicate another important discovery, but I am forever grateful for that first one.

Most significant enemy and why?

There is a young girl named Allison. At first, she seemed like a diverting fixation for my second. She had a penchant for books, and he couldn’t resist getting to talk with someone about those tiresome pages. After remaining in my empire for a time, she showed a connection to the old words themselves. My second tried to hide it, but that only suggested to me how much more important she was.

I decided she should train with my other girls, practicing with the old words. She learned very quickly. Allison doesn’t have much control, but she has immense power. I thought she would make a nice addition, but I don’t think I can control her.

I think I have to eliminate her.

Tell me about your childhood:

I had a relatively customary childhood. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details or spark your pity.

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

I knew there were many rabbit villages scattered to the west. Through various reports from my scouts, I believe I had a reasonable estimate of their numbers, but I never expected them to band together. Somehow, they amassed a worthy army and swarmed upon my empire. We didn’t have time to respond, and most of my people were slain or scattered.

If I had been more cautious, more prescient, I might still be in my throne room.

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

If I even have a maker, I would simply want to ask, Why?

Just Why?

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

Rudolph here. Thank you for welcoming this interview and hosting it on your website! The main antagonist of my story, Lord Rrrassiktchyackachrrr, is one of my favorite characters, and I’m looking forward to unfolding his story and personality in future books.

I tried hard to respond as he would to these questions. However, more often than not, he deflects with his answers. The Emperor is always trying to squeeze information out of others and withhold giving up any of his own, so this interview is definitely out of character for him. Still, the statements represent well what he believes. It was definitely a lot of fun trying to get into some of the more nuanced facets of his mind.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Again, thank you for the opportunity to share in this way!

  • M.