Ripped from the page (Jacob Sannox)

Interviews with the characters we all love with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case some Mythical monster Fantasy from Jacob Sannox

Name (and title if appropriate):

Dark Oak, King of the Dryads

Written by:

Links to your creator:

Books you appear in (links welcome)

The three books of The Dark Oak Chronicles; Dark Oak, Age of the Dryad and The Devising.


In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

Protecting the forests from humanity

Favourite place and why?

A place I cannot be; within my Mother Tree, into which I was reborn before I pushed out through the bark and stepped onto the forest floor. Within her trunk, I heard every Dryad…every tree. I knew all they knew, I could reach all of my people, but I was tempted to join them—to give myself over to the forest and to live in peace. No, that time has not yet come. Not until we are safe.

I walk abroad. A sacrifice I am willing to make to protect the forest.

Favourite weapon and why?

Weapons are a human invention. A Dryad has no need of them, but when I take avatar, I hold a tool from my old life that I once used as a weapon.

I will say no more. You will see with your own eyes if we meet upon the field of battle.

But it will not be what I wield that kills you if you rise in rebellion. I will rally the Sylphs, and they will deny you your breath. Your kind die so easily.

Favourite moment and why?

I remember all of the favourite moments of every Dryad from their many lives, before they Ascended. You cannot comprehend the vastness of my memory. I could no more pick a single event than could a dragon select a favourite coin from its hoard.

But I anticipate a moment in my future, when humanity knows its place among the other woodland creatures. I will rejoin my Mother Tree. My soul will join the forest, like a maiden slips into warm waters to bathe. I will be content.

Most significant enemy
and why?

You and yours. You cause imbalance. You exploit. You think the world is for you.

You will learn.

Tell me about your childhood:

I was never a child. Not in this life. Tell me about the aeons before your birth, human.

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

I made no bad choices. My existence was imposed upon me, and consequences followed.

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

How many trees must die to print your books? If only I could reach from the page…

May your sales dwindle, author.

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

‘There is new law, so heed me well. Your kind will not build great castles and citadels. You will not mine or hew down trees lest it be to survive. You will not gather in great numbers or assemble armies. Humanity will live in harmony with the world, as it did when the days were young.’