Ripped from the page (J Alexander Cohen)

Interviews with the characters we know and love, with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case a LGBTQ+ Fantasy Thriller from J Alexander Cohen

Name (and title if appropriate):

Advocate Talio Rossa

Written by:

Links to your creator:

In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

Unify the Four Cities’ laws.


Favourite place and why?

The Palace of Justice. More than anywhere else, it is my home. The hearing rooms, the Hall of Reference, even the canteen. I know its halls like the maze of my mind.


Favourite weapon and why?

My tongue, although sometimes it unsheaths itself before my mind can direct it. Hearings are a form of combat, and the advocate with the sharpest words is the one likely to win.



Favourite moment and why?

Returning to Nuciferia after ten years. Putting my self-exile in Velos behind me. Getting ready to take up the mantle of advocate once again. Oh, and going to the Double Moon Inn where I used to meet up with men for…intimate encounters.


Most significant enemy and why?

Ignorance. My own, and that of others. At least with others’ ignorance you can behold it yourself. Your own ignorance often behinds a sense of self-satisfaction that you are well-informed and know everything.

Tell me about your childhood:

(Looks down) There is not much to say. I ran. I played with other children. And then eventually I lost my parents and I grew up. (here he touches the long purple scar that runs down his face and elaborates no more.)


Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

Much wealthier in silver, but much poorer in spirit. At least I like to hope so. Adversity is a wonderful teacher, even if the tuition is so very costly.


Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

Source of all things. Quencher of fire. Cleanse my soul and purify me. And give me the strength to win tomorrow’s hearing. Cale Faro is quite the opponent.


Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

Anyone who needs legal representation can find us at the Double Moon Inn. We are happy to serve Nuciferians and Incarnites alike. (shakes head) Everyone. Everyone is welcome. Be sure to try the stew.