Ripped from the page (CJ Hosack)

Interviews with the characters we know and love, with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case Some YA Fantasy from CJ Hosack

Name (and title if appropriate):


Written by:

Links to your creator:
Cover art: Katy Cordy

Books you appear in (links welcome)

In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

Find my ancestry

Favourite place and why?

The Great Ancestral Library. I just started working there. I love the smell of old books. The secret passageways, and the atmosphere of so much knowledge crammed into one place gives me a tingle down my spine. The Matriarch of Viator, my grandmother through adoption, accuses the Library of being run down, ancient, and falling apart. She has built a new building for the Library on her Ancestral House’s island. It is beautiful, but it doesn’t speak to me the way the old Library does. There’s something about the centuries old Library that I feel connected to. It’s become my home.

Favourite weapon and why?

The reference section of the Library. It’s massive, and it will lead you to any book, on any topic. The reference section recently led me to important information about how the Library was built, and how we might stop the decay of the Library’s magic. The reference section is also how I’m going to find my birth family and ancestry. If I can find my records, I can inherit magic. The best part of the reference section is realizing how much power is contained in the Library. Knowledge is power after all.

Favourite moment and why?

I have to admit the trip to the Ancestral island of Viatoro was my favorite thing. I’d never been farther away from home than the town of Waatch, and I had certainly never sailed on a ship before! I was nervous and scared to meet my grandmother. I had never met her before, and I was certain she would reject me for being adopted. She was wonderful, and I thought maybe I was finally going to be accepted into an Ancestral House along with all the magic that comes with it. It was a dream come true…for a moment.

Most significant enemy and why?

I wish I could tell you who that enemy is. Someone is bringing mice and other pests into the Library. They also managed to damage the water piping for the heating system. It shouldn’t be possible. The magical barrier that surrounds and protects the Library from pests and magic is deteriorating. There’s no explanation for why. The only clue we have is a rock, a branch, and a sword. I’m hoping the history of the Library will help us unravel the mystery of how the Library’s magic could be weakened, and who is sabotaging the Library!

Tell me about your childhood:

I grew up in Sooke, a small village in the hills above the town of Waatch. My parents adopted me as a baby and raised me with great love and care. Unfortunately, Sooke is filled with Ancestor descendants who inherited magic from their families. Most of them are managers, Library Board members, as well as the Curator of the Library. My best friend Yll is the curator’s daughter and she was also adopted, but her mother was able to find Yll’s family history on her mother’s side. She now has the ability to shapeshift. I was the only one in the village who didn’t have magic. It’s why I work in the Library now. I’m hoping to find records that will lead to my birth family, and hopefully my magic!

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

 I never want to be in trouble. If I do the wrong thing, my family, friends, and everyone around me might leave me. I’m afraid of being alone, so every time I do something against the rules, I get stomach churningly nervous. I’ve broken rules a few times. My stomach wasn’t happy with me.

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

As much as you think I’m like you, I really don’t think that I am. After all, you found your birth family and you didn’t even want to do it for magic.

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

The events of my life in The Traveler’s Magic have been like a ship on the water–so up and down! I met a boy who really likes me, but I’m not sure I like him. We found many clues about who could be sabotaging the Library, but putting the pieces together was difficult. Me and my orphanage book have been on a journey as well. I’m so close to unravelling the mysteries I’m beset with. Come along with me on the ride–I could use the company!

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