Ripped from the page (AJ Calvin)

Interviews with the characters we all love with a little help from the authors that wrote them.

In this case more military fantasy from AJ Calvin

Name (and title if appropriate):

Andrew. My former titles are irrelevant now, and no, I do not have a surname.

Written by:

Links to your creator:

Twitter/X: @AJCalvin

Facebook: @AuthorAJCalvin

Instagram: @AuthorAJCalvin

Goodreads: A.J. Calvin


Books you appear in (links welcome)

The Caein Legacy series: ExileGuardianHarbinger, and Legend (the last is forthcoming.)

In no more than 5 words explain your ambitions:

Protecting my brothers, especially Alex.

Favourite place and why?

Vinterry. I’ve come to appreciate the serenity of Vera’s estate. It’s a welcome change from the bustle and never-ending gossip of the Capitol, a change I didn’t realize I needed until I was here.

Favourite weapon and why?

I suppose the answer is dependent upon which form I’m in. As a man, I’m used to wielding swords. I’ve been training at arms since childhood, and swords are the preferred weapon of the noble-born.


As a dragon…  I’m still learning what I’m capable of. Some might say I am a weapon.

Favourite moment and why?

The moment in the rose garden when I knew without any sliver of a doubt that Vera loved me as I am.


As a man stripped of surname, title, and rank, my prospects were few—particularly with Colin and Claire going out of their way to humiliate me at every turn. But Vera didn’t care what they said, nor did she care for the popular opinions of the noble court. But she cared about me.


Most significant enemy and why?

A year ago, I would have answered by saying the Corodan. Novania was at war with them for decades, and there was no end in sight. Until my…encounter with the late Hive-queen. Ask Alex for more details if you’d like to know that story. He enjoys its telling far more than I do.

But now, I’m forced to say my most significant enemy is one of my own damned brothers. Colin has ascended to the kingship and threatens to destroy everything his father built, not to mention his decision to reinstate the Mark inspections.

I fear for Alex’s safety with Colin’s new rules in place. I fear what Colin will do should he uncover Alex’s secret.

Tell me about your childhood:

I was raised as part of the royal household, though I’ve always known I’d never rule. The king wasn’t my father, but he acted the part and treated me as if I were one of his own sons. Such was the love he bore for my mother, the queen.


I mentioned previously that I was trained at arms from a young age. The late king saw my aptitude for combat and nurtured my skills. He didn’t know what I am, or that some of the abilities I inherited from my true father were the reason why I made for an exceptional soldier, but he encouraged me along that path. Most of my formative years were spent within the sparring circle, or in lessons focused on battle tactics and the military campaigns of ages past.


By the time I reached my fifteenth name day, I was deployed against the Corodan in the north as part of the king’s army.


I didn’t spend much time with my younger half-brothers as I was growing up. There are six years between me and Colin, and he was always meant to walk the path of kingship, though I don’t believe he understood that until his father revealed I was not his heir. By then, we were both firmly entrenched in adulthood.


There is even more of a gap between me, Alex, and Tom. Alex is a full decade younger, and there are thirteen years between myself and Tom.

Where would you be now if you had made better choices?

I’m not certain my choices would have altered my path. Colin would still be king, and that is the root of our current problem.

Anything you’d like to say to your maker?

I often wonder how my life would be different if my father and his people hadn’t fled our world, but do I want to say anything to him specifically? I don’t know. There is too much of my dragon heritage that I don’t understand. Perhaps I’d merely seek his guidance.

Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a parting statement:

If you’d like to learn more of my story, and by proxy, my brothers’, every detail—the joyous, the heartbreaking, the wondrous, and the excruciating—is captured within the pages of The Caein Legacy. I’ve been told the final volume will be available November 26.