

My resident right-hand, the Butcher Monk,

Voice of the reader

Book 2: The Warrior Prophet from The Prince Of Nothing trilogy by R. Scott Bakker

Damn this series continues to mesmerise. 
The Warrior Prophet is one of the most fantastic original fantasy books I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Stirring, epic, intelligently written. As Steven Erikson puts it, something remarkable has begun and just gets better. 
The Warrior Prophet is the second book in the Prince of Nothing series by R. Scott Bakker. It’s very dark at times, the richness of the world and characters, and wonderful prose as well as its originality more than make up for it.
The Warrior Prophet continues the enthralling tale began in ‘The Darkness That Comes Before’ and in many ways is even more bleak than its predecessor.
This book isn’t for everyone, but the story and elements are honestly unique, gruesome, dark, and some scenes that may be upsetting to other readers. The author makes it clear here that he isn’t willing to pull his punches at all.
Ive been putting this series off for a long time, but after seeing highly rated reviews from some of my favourite reading groups, I knew I had to put them up the top of my reading pile, and I’m so glad I did.
In the second book, the Holy War, continuing its inexorable march southward to wipe all heathens and blasphemous infidels from the land in a way that war can show how religious fanatics cut down their nemesis in the most atrocious ways.
But not all is going their way as time and time again they are beating back numerous  time by the enemy. In-house fighting and suspicions begin to dawn that the real threat comes not from the infidel but from within.
Kellhus, the Warrior Prophet, strives to extend his dominion over the Men of the Tusk. The sorcerer Achamian and his lover, Esmenet, submit entirely to his will only to have their faith and their love tested in unimaginable ways possible. Meanwhile, the warrior Cnaiur falls ever deeper into madness and despair.
With skin walker spies in their mists, the holy war stands on a knife edge. The second apocalypse nearing, the great powers of the world will have to choose between their most desperate desires and the end of the world.
It’s a truly fascinating series that will leave you on the edge of your seat with its twists and turns and gruesome attention to detail that will leave you with jaw-dropping moments.
If you love your fantasy dark, then I very highly recommend you check this out..😲🖤💀🔥🗡

Author spoltlight


Terminal Sun are an extreme Metal band from Sheffield, UK
